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Hydration Hay is rated
4.7 out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
SmartPaker Danielle from
Perfect for Supplementation or Hay Replacement
While Hydration Hay is a fabulous hay-solution year-round, I have found it to be the best for our horses during the colder winter months, when a warm soupy hay mixture is most appreciated. It is a great energy source and good way to add nutrients—including fats—to the horses who need it most. The compact-ness of the flakes makes it easy to store and take anywhere you go! While it can be used to replace forage completely on a 1:1 basis, I prefer to use it for when a little extra hay is needed, as a treat, or to make supplementation easier.
Date published: 2025-01-06
Rated 5 out of
Horsemom707 from
Horse Aproved Hydration Snack
I bought this for my senior gelding to keep him hydrated during the colder months. My equine nutritionist had recommended it and uses it for her personal horses in snowy conditions, so I figured I'd give it a try. My horse can be a picky eater, however he absolutely loves this stuff! I feed half a brick/block in warm water daily and he is eager to slurp up the very last drop. The hay is finely chopped so it absorbs fast. You can also break it apart easily with your hands while its dry to help it soak faster. We add a pinch of salt to it.
Date published: 2023-12-27
Rated 5 out of
DoriMc from
Great product.
I actually bought this last spring for a sick mini and I thought I could use when at a clinic or traveling to encourage eating and drinking.
Mini was sick, and wouldn’t eat it and the traveling horse was so picky, she wouldn’t eat it either.
Now to current time, it’s been cold and I have some powdered supplements for an old pony. I soaked some to try and all three horses loved it. Like obnoxiously love it. I cold temperatures it it ensures they get their electrolytes and other supplements. I just wet enough over night for the next feeding. Then start the next for evening. It stays inside so it doesn’t freeze.
Date published: 2022-01-09
Rated 5 out of
Wits End from
My ancient picky burros love it!
I bought it because my vet recommended it and we are having a hard time getting good hay in my area. I love it, the ancient burros love it and the mustang mare loves it. I crumble it first, so that it soaks easier and it’s a super way to add supplements that the burros would pick out of dry feed. The auto ship is a wonderful service.
Date published: 2021-12-02
Rated 5 out of
Whiskeys hay from
I bought this a couple years ago and it is great! We keep ordering it.
Date published: 2021-08-18
Rated 5 out of
DonnaS from
Everyone in the South should use it!
My local stores stopped carrying this and Smartpak came to my rescue! I stocked up and they delivered Free to my doorstep! Love this product!
Date published: 2020-12-14
Rated 1 out of
cfarrswheel from
Wish I had never bought these, super disappointing. My horse doesn't eat it. Hell take like one bite and then stops. Waste of money.
Date published: 2020-10-19
Rated 5 out of
Koryolena from
Great for a mid day snack
I live in Arizona where summers get to 115 in my area. I like to give my horses a mid day snack with water mixed in so I know they are getting their fluids. I mix half a cube with some carrots and both my horses love it and clean it up.
Date published: 2020-10-03
Rated 1 out of
RachelM from
Hydration Hay
I won't buy this again. My horses won't eat it. Disappointing.
Date published: 2020-09-21
Rated 5 out of
Minis from
Special diet for mini horses
Mini horse choked so now on strictly grain and hydration hay mash’s
Date published: 2020-08-26