Ship speed applies to in stock items, pending location. Does not include personalized items like engraving, embroidery, SmartPaks, or PortionPaks. Complete details on our Shipping Policies page.
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SmartPerks are the awesome collection of FREE benefits available when you put your horse's supplements on AutoShip* including:
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* To be eligible for SmartPerks benefits, at least one supplement bucket/bag, or one horse's individual SmartPaks must be over $40. AutoShipping bags/buckets must ship within one multiple of the standard days supply to qualify. Some exclusions apply. call 1-800-461-8898 for details.
With Manna Pro's Pro-Force 50® Spot-On horses get
relief for up to two weeks per vial from various biting and nuissance insects. This spot on fly repellent has patented, broad-spectrum efficacy for repelling and killing horn flies, face flies, stable ...
ALZOO™ Plant-Based herbal collar creates a pleasant environment
of fresh natural scent for your horse (and you'll enjoy it, too!) This collar contains a unique mixture of plant-based active ingredients such as Melaleuca Alternifolia, Lavandin Oil and Geraniol. This combination ...
Cool off your barn and sheds with the
Kool Kurtains Dutch Door Topper. Kool Kurtains are made from CS80, CSTechnologies' exclusive proprietary fabric that is extremely durable, breathable, weather-resistant, flame-retardant, anti-microbial, and has been scientifically tested and certified to deflect ...
The reliability of Repel-X in a smooth, spreadable
lotion. Repel-X Lotion is excellent for spot treatment around eyes, muzzle, ears and wounds. Cypermethrin formula with botanically-derived pyrethrins to repel and kill biting flies, filth flies, biting gnats, ticks and lice. ...
BugPellent is a natural, solid insect repellent that
passively emits vapors which are safe for humans and animals. Very effective at repelling flying and other insects. Contains only natural essential oils and certified organic waxes, eliminating toxic chemical exposure. Works ...
Wahl's original 5-in-1 blade Arco Cordless Clippers have
unsurpassed cutting performance that allows you to quickly and effectively clip through most coat types. This extremely quiet clipper has low vibration and is exceptionally lightweight. The slim design fits comfortably in ...
Enhance your horse's well-being and digestive health with
the GG Equine HayPlay Slow-Feed Zip Hay Bag! This easy-fill slow feeder reduces stress and boredom by encouraging natural feeding behaviors, while also promoting a healthier posture. The 3-inch holes are designed ...