Ship speed applies to in stock items, pending location. Does not include personalized items like engraving, embroidery, SmartPaks, or PortionPaks. Complete details on our Shipping Policies page.
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SmartPerks are the awesome collection of FREE benefits available when you put your horse's supplements on AutoShip* including:
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* To be eligible for SmartPerks benefits, at least one supplement bucket/bag, or one horse's individual SmartPaks must be over $40. AutoShipping bags/buckets must ship within one multiple of the standard days supply to qualify. Some exclusions apply. call 1-800-461-8898 for details.
Finally, it's time to say goodbye to that
annoying roll of duct tape! The new Pack-N-Sick HoofTape™ eliminates the hassle of cutting, assembling and apply duct tape to packed hooves (which anyone who's done it before know what a true ...
Silver Honey Rapid Skin Relief Vet Strength Scratches
Spray is specially designed for Pastern Dermatitis also known as Scratches, Mud Fever, Dew Poisoning and Cracked Heels. It’s the only specialized scratches treatment using the natural power of Manuka Honey and ...
This formula works like magic on Thrush. This
broad spectrum formula gets the job done fast, predictably, reliably and painlessly. The ingredients within this formula are specifically designed to attack and eradicate the bacteria and fungal infections that cause thrush ...
An antimicrobial hoof pack created by nature. Pure
Sole Hoof Mud® contains pure botanical ingredients to effectively eliminate hoof infections such as Thrush and White Line Disease. Safe for horse and owner, does not sting, and contains no harsh chemicals ...
Silver Hoof EQ Therapy® by Draw It Out
maintains healthy hooves by providing protection against a wide spectrum of microbial infections, balancing the moisture content of the hoof, and supplying nutrients needed for strong hoof growth. Silver Hoof EQ Therapy® ...
Pure Sole Hoof Wax is a 100% natural
alternative to chemical-based hoof putty and wax products. The Hoof Wax contains pure botanical ingredients & beeswax to effectively treat issues that require anti-microbial packing such as wall separation, deep cracks and ...
Hawthorne's Sole Packs are just the fix for
those tough-to-maintain hooves. Hawthorne's Sole Pack offers pain relief and fast healing of bruises, maintaining proper moisture levels and combating thrush. Hawthorne's Sole Packs are in extremely convenient single-use "paddies" you'll want ...