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* To be eligible for SmartPerks benefits, at least one supplement bucket/bag, or one horse's individual SmartPaks must be over $40. AutoShipping bags/buckets must ship within one multiple of the standard days supply to qualify. Some exclusions apply. call 1-800-461-8898 for details.
Whimzees Brushzees Dental Chews are made with all-natural ingredients.
The vegetable-based texture will help remove plaque as they chew! Whimzees have limited natural, functional ingredients and no artificial ingredients, colors, flavors, preservatives, GMO's, glutens or meat. They are also high in ...
SmartPak Lavender Utility Balm is the ultimate "jack
of all trades." This all-natural formula has so many uses, we can't even list them all, but we thought we'd try anyway! The balm's handy "deodorant stick" applicator makes it easy to apply ...
Scarlex is a soothing, slow-drying antiseptic dressing for
minor surface lesions, surface wounds, cuts, burns and superficial dermatitis. Scarlex contains scarlet oil and P-Chloro-M-Xylenol, a powerful germicide. Non-irritating; helps relieve itching and aids in rapid healing. Great addition to any ...
Whimzee Alligator Dental are made with all-natural ingredients.
The vegetable-based texture will help remove plaque as they chew! Whimzees have limited natural, functional ingredients and no artificial ingredients, colors, flavors, preservatives, GMO's, glutens or meat. They are also high in ...
Fura-Zone Ointment antibiotic ointment for the prevention, or
treatment of surface bacterial infections of wounds, burns, and cutaneous ulcers. FDA approved (NADA 132-427) antibacterial ointment. Apply topically to provide antibacterial activity against a wide range of bacteria.
Fungasol® is proven to treat a range of
fungal and bacterial skin conditions, making it a great first line of defense, even if the exact nature of an equine skin problem isn’t readily apparent. Clean, treat, and protect your horse’s ...
Ionic Silver has been historically recognized for its
antibacterial properties and ability to kill fungi, viruses and bacteria. Tapping into this power, EquiFit, Inc. has developed the AgSilver line of silver-infused horsecare products. CleanBalm is a petroleum-based ointment for use ...