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Crypto Aero Restore Mash & Mix is rated
5.0 out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
SmartPaker Reanna from
Great wholefood option!
I recently stumbled across the Crypto Aero Wholefood Horse Feed brand and was instantly curious. I love wholefood, limited ingredient options for my horse. Restore Mash & Mix by Crypto Aero has wholefood ingredients such as apple fiber, banana chips, and coconut flakes that my horse absolutely goes crazy for! My horse also stays in pretty heavy work year round and so hydration is very important. Restore Mash & Mix by Crypto Aero is nice to have on hand to help with any hydration issues from summer heat or exercise. It is definitely something that I will keep in the feed room to encourage my horse to stay hydrated, while giving him an enticing snack after our hot, summer rides.
Date published: 2025-03-03
Rated 5 out of
SmartPaker Danielle from
Tasty Hydration
I don’t know about you, but for me, this past summer was H.O.T. Fans, shade, extra water buckets, and hosing down were all staples for my horses. I was checking daily for heat concerns. Thankfully, we all made it through the summer without great difficulty. One of the items I had at the ready was the Crypto Aero Restore Mash & Mix. I loved being able to treat my horses and ensure they were also getting properly hydrated at the same time. I usually added about 3 or so parts water to 1 part of feed, which was very well-received. Both of my guys loved receiving their “treat” and I loved knowing that they were getting the nutrients and water they needed to thrive through the warmest months.
Date published: 2025-01-06