Sidebone in Horses

Updated August 27, 2024 | By: Dr. Lydia Gray
Areas of sidebone in a horses foot circled on an xray
Areas of sidebone identified on a radiograph of a horse's foot.

What is Sidebone in Horses?

Sidebone is hardening of the cartilages on either side of the coffin bone in a horse's hoof. Experts aren't sure why these usually springy tissues calcify, or turn to bone, but theories as to the cause of sidebone include:

  • genetics
  • hoof concussion or trauma
  • poor hoof and limb conformation
  • poor trimming and shoeing

Sidebone is primarily seen in heavier breeds of horses such as drafts, warmbloods, and cob-type ponies.

Treatment for Sidebone in Horse Hooves

Since sidebone itself is not believed to be a significant cause of lameness but an accidental finding on X-ray of the foot, no specific treatment is necessary. However, fracture of these cartilages or damage to nearby ligaments may be an issue when lameness is localized to the foot.

Ultrasound, nuclear scintigraphy or advanced techniques such as MRI or CT may help determine how active the sidebone is in a horse, and if any inflammation is present.

Sidebone vs Quittor in Horses

The cartilage tissue involved in sidebone is specifically known as the collateral cartilages. Quittor is the name of condition when the cartilages in the hoof actually become infected. This can be a significant cause of lameness and should be promptly diagnosed and treated to prevent further tissue damage.

SmartPak Equine™ strongly encourages you to consult your veterinarian regarding specific questions about your horse's health. This information is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease, and is purely educational.