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SmartPak customers are some of the most conscientious animal owners around. We encourage you to share your experience with the products we sell to help fellow customers to make informed choices for their animals. We do not edit these reviews in any way - they are direct customer-to-customer communication. We do monitor reviews for positive and negative feedback, and use this feedback to improve our selection as well as sharing feedback with product manufacturers to help them improve their products. Please note that we recommend consulting your vet with serious health issues.
UlcerGard is rated
4.8 out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
Anonymous from
Easy to administer product
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] This seems to be a good product and was easy to use.
Date published: 2025-03-24
Rated 5 out of
SmartPaker Reanna from
A must have for show season!
I have an ulcer prone OTTB, who shows throughout the lengthy Virginia show season. I always keep UlcerGard on hand as a preventative for stressful situations and showing! I use UlcerGard by giving 1/4 tube prior to trailering and horse shows to assist with the stressful situations. The tube has a dial and easy to read dosing on the tube for easy administration. I will definitely keep a few tubes of UlcerGard on hand to maintain my horse's stomach health during show season!
Date published: 2024-11-08
Rated 3 out of
Alzey from
Good product, awful packaging
The product itself, I like it. However the syringe is enough for me to almost give it 0 stars. I twisted the cap to give one dose but the plastic is so cheap it didn't hold, so it slid all the way to the bottom and my horse got the entire tube at once. I had gotten this specifically because I needed 4 separate doses
Date published: 2024-02-29
Rated 1 out of
Gomer8 from
90 days till expiration
Purchased late November 2023. Expiration date is 2/24. 90 days is too short of a time for expiration from purchase. Will not purchase this product from smartpak again.
Date published: 2023-12-03
Rated 5 out of
SmartPaker Carly from
Great for as-needed support
UlcerGard is something I always make sure I have on hand for my Morgan mare to set her up for success and keep her stomach happy. As the only FDA-approved ulcer preventative, I use this product by giving 1/4 tube during times of stress like when my horse is trailering and while at a horse shows. The tube is narrow and easy to administer, with a clearly labeled dial to determine how much to give. I truly feel as though this product has been key in maintaining her stomach health, especially during show season.
Date published: 2023-10-17
Rated 5 out of
Tyrelle from
Easy dosing
My mare had terrible ulcers and after treatment with Ulcergard her Squamous ulcers are gone.
Date published: 2023-08-17
Rated 5 out of
CJWH from
We give this to our founderd pony to her protect his belly. It seems to be effective.
Date published: 2022-11-25
Rated 5 out of
Sara from
Great producy
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Ulcer guard does the trick and my horses don’t seem to mind it
Date published: 2022-11-02
Rated 5 out of
Ruthj from
Great ulcer product
[This review was collected as part of a promotion.] Easy to use. Great product. Does what it says. Good value.
Date published: 2022-10-05
Rated 5 out of
ottb lover from
Always have on hand for my thoroughbred!
I always have a tube or two on hand for trailering, times of stress, or any type of ulcer flare ups. It works really well, I just wish it wasn't so expensive!
Date published: 2022-09-20