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SmartPaker Product Review – NEW KRUUSE Vet-Flex 6 Inch Flexible Bandages

Posted on: July 14, 2020 by Amy Cohan

All horse people know the feeling. You walk out to the barn, and your horse comes to greet you, looking for snacks, and you give them a quick once-over. Wow, he looks so shiny today! What a sweet little dude. WAIT. Is that blood?

There is nothing worse. Recently I went out to greet my little mustang, Pablo, and it looked like he got into a fight with a cat.

He was healing well, but there was this one little cut on his back leg that just refused to close up with a topical ointment. He lives outside 24/7, and I think he was rolling on it so it kept opening up. It was looking a little, well… funky. I decided I would try to wrap it. Always an interesting proposition for a horse who lives out.

I dug around in my First Aid Kit and located my new KRUUSE Vet-Flex 6 Inch Flexible Bandages.  I had never tried them before, but I had high hopes as they came recommended by a friend.

The size was just perfect for what I was looking for. Instead of having to wrap around my horse’s leg 23 times to get the coverage I wanted, it took a simple two wraps around. The bandage stuck to itself really well, and I was able to hand tear it, which was nice since my scissors have decided to make themselves scarce recently.

I gave my horse a pat and hoped for the best. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but mostly I just hoped to be able to find the wrap in his paddock the next morning so I could dispose of it properly instead of my dogs finding and eating it.

But to my pleasant surprise, 12 hours later at 8 am, the wrap was still on! It did not drop even an inch. A horseman’s miracle!

I definitely loved this product and can see many uses in the future. It would be so simple to create a hoof boot with, as the size would allow one pass to cover the entire bottom of my horse’s hoof. I will absolutely keep this in my arsenal going forward (although, here’s to hoping I don’t need it any time soon!)


-SmartPaker Amy